Teresa Haven Pelinski
A story of Jesus and children

Book Summary:
This is a story about Jesus watching over all the little children playing together and keeping them safe while playing. He lifts them up, tells them his story, hears all their prayers, and tells them their prayers will be answered as his promise to them. This book is perfect for parents and teachers to use as a way to interact with their students and share the love of Jesus with them. Readers of all ages will be captivated by the beautiful illustrations and the reassuring message that Jesus’ compassion can save anyone.
1. Watching us Play
2. Hearing our Prayers
3. Healing the Sick

Jensen’s Lullaby
Book Summary:
I wrote this beautiful lullaby with so much love in my heart for my daughter, Jensen, a week before she was born. It begins with me telling her that she is my little angel sent from above (heaven by God) to bless me, her mother, with all her love. I am expressing my love for her and my joy at being her mother. I further tell her that there will come a day when she understands that mother’s love will always be there. The lullaby takes it on through to her leaving on her own when the time comes, getting married and what to remember it will be like when she has her baby girl.
I cannot express enough how much I love my daughter, Jensen. She will forever be my baby girl. I cannot thank God enough for giving her to me, my little blue eyed smiley girl.

Rain From Heaven
Book Summary:
A true story of a conversation between a mother and daughter about where rain comes from.
It’s raining and the little girl wants to go outside and play. She asks her mother, “Where does rain come from.” The mother explains that rain is a gift from God and it comes from Heaven. She continues to tell her little girl that God is at work, and he is busy watering all the trees, plants, and flowers. Also, the rain brings water for animals and people to drink.
The story includes their Grandma Myrtle, who told the mother years ago not to be afraid of the storm and rain. The mother from then on was not afraid but found it to be a peaceful sound.