Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash

One of the most majestic and beautiful fractions of life is the gift of motherhood. Truly, a mother’s love is unwavering and enduring in any circumstances.

While being a mother can encompass a variety of challenges and struggles, motherhood is undeniably a massive blessing that should never be taken for granted. Furthermore, this beautiful gift is to be cherished and embraced with nothing but genuine love. Even in the midst of hardships and encountering the sour days in life, we cannot deny the fact that as soon as we get to look at our children, the rush of overwhelming joy and love washes over our very cores. This feeling immediately takes away all the burden, igniting a sense of appreciation instead. Indeed, being a mother is worth everything.

The gift of motherhood varies from one mother to another because it is a unique journey for everyone. That said, we have a ton to learn and gain from one another, from sharing our stories to gaining and learning.

Jensen’s Lullaby by Teresa Haven Pelinski is a book about rain for kids that particularly delves into appreciating and being grateful for the gift of motherhood. The author wrote the beautiful lullaby for her daughter, Jensen. Through this book, she deeply expresses her immense love for her and how she cannot thank God enough for giving her an opportunity to be a mother of her little blue eyed smiley girl.

We highly recommend reading Teresa Haven Pelinski’s Jensen’s Lullaby, along with your child. Together, you can fabricate a more profound and stronger bond with your little ones. To purchase your own copy, we direct you to click this link.

A photo of a pregnant woman

Photo by Ryan Franco on Unsplash

The Gift of Motherhood: An Opportunity to Experience It All

“The joy of motherhood comes in moments. There will be hard times and frustrating times. But amid the challenges, there are shining moments of joy and satisfaction.”

M. Russell Ballard

Being a mother allows us to experience the beautiful chaos of enduring pregnancy and labor, changing diapers, picking up the toys dumped on the floor and spilled messes, maintaining patience as firm as ever when they get emotional, and many other chaotic yet worthwhile moments of motherhood.

No matter how demanding and difficult the responsibility of being a mother can be, the happiness and fulfillment it delivers transcends all pains and struggles.

The Gift of Motherhood: The Highest Calling

“The influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation.” —James E. Faust

Being entrusted to carry a living being prompts us to care for them to the best of our ability. Being a mother means you have a great and lasting impact on your children and what they become in the future. Pretty much, their lives highly depend on you. Thus, motherhood is no walk in the park but still a blissful walk filled with meaning and purpose.

Indeed, God has blessed mothers with such precious gifts they can cherish and grow. The gift of motherhood allows mothers to experience the meaning of life with their beautiful gifts – their children.

A mother’s hand holding the baby’s feet

Photo by Bonnie Kittle on Unsplash

Valuing a Mother’s Enduring Love

“Love as powerful as your mother’s for you leaves its own mark. … To have been loved so deeply … will give us some protection forever.”

J. K. Rowling

A mother’s love knows no limits – it is genuine, unconditional, and unshakeable in many ways it manifests. In consideration of all the efforts and sacrifices they have exerted for us, it truly surpasses the exceptional. We couldn’t imagine what it would be like for us or how we would turn out to be without our mothers. The invaluable mark of our mothers’ care, love, and guidance is left engrained within our hearts, and our lives would be significantly recast without their presence.

Let us reflect on this enduring love and appreciate a mother’s unwavering love for their children.

Mother’s Day is a holiday that celebrates motherhood; however, we are to be reminded that every day is Mother’s Day. Every day, our mothers continue to be by our sides and shower us with unconditional love. It’s best to show how much we value them every single day as well.

As we enjoy our mothers’ presence, we must begin to spend every day with them as if it were our last. Let’s thank them and tell them how much we love them – not just today, but every day.

Finally, if you’re interested in reading another related article, we encourage you to delve into one about the magic of a mother’s lullaby.

Teresa Haven Pelinski is a Christian children's book author known for her works that convey spiritual themes and messages aimed at young readers. Born in Orangeburg, South Carolina, on August 23, 1960, Pelinski's writing often reflects her faith and inspires children through engaging narratives that highlight the presence of Jesus in their lives. Her notable books include "Rockabye Jesus," which tells the story of Jesus watching over children as they play, emphasizing safety and care, and "Rain from Heaven," which invites readers to explore the magic of rainy days.
Teresa Pelinski

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